Subscription 22–23
As a subscriber, you get the best seats at the best prices! You will be invited to dress rehearsals, get four free guided tour tickets, various special offers and more. Hurry up, limited sales period! Velg selv-abonnenter (Free Choice subscribtion) can buy their subscription here on You can buy the other fixed subscriptions by calling (+47) 21 42 21 21.
Subscribe and get
- Buy tickets before they go on general sale
- 30 % discount on all tickets during subscription period (not applicable to "Premiere Rød løper")
- 20 % discount on supplementary tickets for the Main Stage
- 30 % discount on supplementary tickets for Second Stage
- The same seat for every performance during your subscription apart from Subscriber’s choice subscriptions
- Invitation to a minimum of one rehearsal performance or performance during the course of the season
- Four complimentary tickets for guided tours per season
- Discount in the Opera House shop
- A range of special offers
Velg selvValgfrie forestillinger / 30 % rabatt
Premiere Rød løper4 balletter, 5 operaer / A: 7600, B: 7150, C: 5750
Applaus4 balletter, 5 operaer / A: 5374, B: 5059, C: 4079
Klassiker3 balletter, 3 operaer / A: 3816, B: 3606, C: 2766
Bare ballett6 balletter / A: 3606, B: 3396, C: 2696
Bare opera6 operaer / A: 3746, B: 3536, C: kr 2766
Konsert6 konserter / A: 2381, B: 2171, C: 1961
Onsdag3 balletter, 3 operaer / A: 3746, B: 3536, C: 2766
Torsdag3 operaer, 3 balletter / A: 3816, B: 3606, C: 2766
Operaens ballettklubb6 balletter / A: 3856, B: 3646, C: 2946
Operaklubben1 ballett, 6 operaer / A: 4297, B: 4052, C: 3352
Operaens venner5 operaer / A: 3480, B: 3305, C: 2605